3GW Consultants Understand The Importance of
Ethics, Principles, Reliability,
Relationship, and Trust
3G Worldwide Consultants have a history of working with employees in order to educate them on their ethical obligations pertaining to data, customers, colleagues, and stakeholders.
We understand the main goal of developing ethical policies is to build and maintain a good reputation for the entire firm.
No investor or customer wants to deal with a firm that is plagued by or with dishonesty. It's hard, if not impossible, to regain trust and reputation once they are lost. Ethical policies help in keeping all employees and owners of a company in-line.
To help ensure that you maintain the integrity of your business, 3GW Consultants will work with your Compliance Officer and assist with:
Evaluating the ethical practices of your organizations by meeting with the ethics boards or other governing bodies.
Developing and distributing:
​Code of ethics
Communication and awareness campaigns
Training and reinforcement tools
Ethical Architecture that includes:
Outlining policies and regulations in employee contracts and supplier agreements
Identifying individuals and boards who are accountable for outcomes
Have feedback, oversight, and monitoring procedures in place
A good reputation is a business'
best asset and should be protected.
To help ensure that you provide continuous training for current and new employees, 3GW Consultants will work with Human Resources and Corporate Trainers and assist with:
- Developing a plan for training employees in compliance with the law and their moral and ethical obligations to the company, clients, potential employees, and to the public.
- Determining the best Leaning Management Systems that will allow employees located both domestically and globally to comply with company and national ethical standards.
- Procedures for taking action against wrongdoing and communicating the action taken to staff in order for them to understand the ramifications of wrongdoing.